Miracles of St Alphonsa

Miracle 01
Athiyalil Thomas Abraham also called Athiyalil Kunjettan was born in Kattoor family of Punkunnam. He was born with a defect of his lower libs. Both his legs were twisted. His parents took him for treatment to places in Kerala and outside but were of no avail.

Miracle 02
On 5th may 1998, Jinil was born at a private hospital in Ettumanoor. He is the second son of the Sales tax Inspector of Kottayam, named Ozhuthottiyil Shaji Joseph and of Kappumthala Service Co-operative Bank employee, named Lissy. The child was born with his legs bent inwards.

Miracle 03
Hundreds of miraculous cures are claimed for her intervention, many of them involving straightening of clubbed feet, possibly because of her having lived with deformed feet herself. Two of these cases were submitted to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints as proof of her miraculous intervention. The continuing cures are chronicled in the magazine PassionFlower.