Words of St Alphonsa

I Am Like One Lying Transfixed to the Cross
On one occasion she said: I am like one lying transfixed to the cross. When my Lord lay on the cross, he could not either move the limbs or turn to any side for relief. He lay without any pillow or even a bed.
Annakutty confided to a fellow nun what she did to avert marriage
After she had joined the Clarist convent, Annakutty confided to a fellow nun as follows regarding what she did to avert marriage. “I have told this only to one person before, that is to Fr. Louis. I was thirteen and they fixed my marriage as a matter of course.

Voluntary fasting and abstinence
Regarding her spiritual life, she makes the following observations. “I think my spiritual life then was better than it is now. I had greater devotion to God in those days. I was careful not to be guilty of even a venial sin.
About Her Life at the Murickan Family
In the following extract Annakutty proudly reminisces about her life at the Murickan family. “I am now what I am because my mother brought me up under strict discipline. She used to punish me severely even for slight offences.